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The name Warmikuna means ´women´ in Qechua, one of Peru´s oldest languages. In 2010, a handful of women coffee producers joined our Volcafe Way cluster in Junin´s coffee growing region. Twelve years later, the Warmikuna cluster was born. Today, it is comprised of 55 thriving women who have followed Volcafe Way agronomic standards and have demonstrated a leading role in the coffee business.

Six business model farms are currently spearheading the profitable sustainability and regenerative practices. These farms act as showcases through which other producers can see proper technical training in action. Through their efforts, a highly traceable and empowering coffee like this can exist. With notes of brown sugar, caramel, red apple, and sweet bread pastry, Warmikuna Women’s Coffee evokes warmth and sweetness in every cup.

Country: Peru
Region: Junin
Roast: Medium
Tasting Notes: Bread pudding, red apple, caramel
Altitude: 1,100-1,650 MASL
Variety: Typica, Catimor, Caturra
Process: Washed
Certifications: Women Producers

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