You've Reached The Right Place
We love all things coffee and coffee and coffee related here at Flying Rhino Coffee +Supply. From new and updated gear, to specialty products and services - We are leading industry standards and offering a friendly, fun and purposely cultivated environment for you to enjoy tantalizing aromas, flavor profiles and fresh roasts daily.
Deliveries Right To Your Home
Contact us to make an order, and we'll have it delivered right to your doorstep!

We offer more than coffee!
Stock up on all your coffee accessories and equipment needs! We carry an array of vast and leading industry products from AeroPress, Fellow, Hario, Toddy, Chemex, and multiple other brands of coffee pour overs, filters, servers, grinders, and replacement parts. We have everything you need to enjoy the best part of the day!
We provide leading technical services, support, and preventative maintenance to machines and equipment throughout the Toledo region.
Our SCA trained technician on staff can help with questions and repairs on home and commercial coffeequipment, provide technical support for all retail and wholesale accounts and get you the parts you need fast so you can get back to brewing and crafting what you love!

Go on get' Over Here!
201 Morris Street, Suite G.
Toledo, Ohio
Wednesday: 10AM - 4PM
Thursday: 11AM - 4PM
Friday: 10AM - 6PM
Saturday: Toledo Farmer's Market
8AM - 2PM (Spring/Summer)
9AM - 1PM (Fall/Winter)