Hario - V60 Drip Kettle AIR
Hario - V60 Drip Kettle AIR
Hario - V60 Drip Kettle AIR
Hario - V60 Drip Kettle AIR

Hario - V60 Drip Kettle AIR

Regular price $21.50
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This little kettle is perfect for beginners or travelers. It’s durable and heat resistant. Perfect for brewing small batches of coffee. The material is very lightweight and gives the user more control over the pour stream. This kettle is tiny and can fit in any cabinet, drawer or camping bag. 

Item Number: VKA-35-TB
Size: W177 × D78 × H128mm
Capacity: Practical Capacity 350ml

Heatproof temperature: 212 F

PCT Resin

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