Urnex - Dezcal Descaling Powder

Urnex - Dezcal Descaling Powder

Regular price $7.79
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  • UNIVERSALLY COMPATIBLE DESCALER - This product can be used to descale Keurig machines, as well as Nespresso, Breville, Jura, Delonghi and other drip coffee makers, espresso machines, superautomatics, and kettles
  • BETTER THAN VINEGAR - Our formula is more effective at removing limescale than vinegar, works faster than vinegar, and is odorless
  • MAINTAIN YOUR COFFEE EQUIPMENT - Descaling extends the lifespan of your machine, helping to prevent damage to heating elements, corrosion, and component malfunctions
  • DRINK BETTER TASTING COFFEE - Descaling removes limescale buildup from your coffee maker; if not removed, scale prevents machines from reaching optimal water temperatures
  • EASY TO USE - This is a powdered descaler that dissolves easily in warm water.

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