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Coffee production dominates agricultural activity in Guaxupé, a municipality in the south of Minas Gerais, and for a good reason. The high altitudes and micro-climate here are ideal for growing specialty coffee, with noticeably cooler temperatures than the rest of the region, averaging about 68ºF (20ºC). Additionally, distinct wet and dry seasons stimulate coffee production. Around 30% of Brazil’s Arabica production comes from Sul de Minas, and the region has earned a reputation for consistently delivering high quality coffee.

The Cooxupé cooperative is one of the biggest coffee cooperatives in the world. It connects over 16,000 members, of which 95% are smallholder farmers, throughout more than 200 municipalities. The cooperative, founded in 1937, has since come a long way from its beginnings as a key coffee exporter in the region.

Today, Cooxupé also offers soil analysis laboratories, geographic data geoprocessing, and more to support its members in sustainable agribusinesses. Cooperatives play a fundamental role in facilitating Brazil’s agriculturally dependent economy, and it’s important to Cooxupé that they empower better development and results through cooperation.

Country: Brazil
Region: Minas Gerais
Roast: Medium
Tasting Notes: Roasted Hazelnuts & Chocolate
Altitude: 1,200
Variety: Mundo Novo, Catuai Red and Yellow, Catucai
Process: Semi-Washed

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